Chapter 18 The Army Arrives at Zul'Aman

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  Chapter 18: Arrival at Zul'Aman

  When the Rangers set out from the training camp, they were only a small force of 500 people.

  This scale belongs to the level of village fighting, which is not enough to launch a battle to clear the border.

  However, as the Ranger troops moved south along the eastern border, teams gathered from time to time.

  These were garrison troops stationed near the border.

  They usually lurk and monitor the movements of forest trolls.

  Now that our side has launched a clearing at the Liting level, there is of course no need to continue the mission.

  High Elf Rangers are all chocobo mounts.

  Chocobo, a powerful mount with super endurance and speed, can carry its owner for at least two hundred kilometers before stopping to rest and recover.

  As long as they rest for at most an hour, they will become more active again.

  Departing from the camp in Yongge Forest in the morning, the troops arrived at the Morning Star Tower in Silver Moon Forest at noon, where they had lunch and rest.

  The Tower of Morning Star is the mage tower of a mage from the Morning Star family.

  It stands on the eastern border of Silvermoon Forest, responsible for monitoring and suppressing the mountains outside the eastern border, and preventing the forest trolls from Zul'Aman from moving north on a large scale to threaten Silvermoon City.

  Far south of the Tower of Morning Star, there is also a Farstrider camp.

  The Farstriders, an elite force of rangers, are stationed there.

  The entire social aspect of the high elves is lazy.

  There are not many high elves who are willing to practice hard to defend their homeland.

  But people have great respect and admiration for the Farstrider troops.

  Members of the Farstrider Force have been committed to destroying enemies that threaten the high elves.

  Therefore, this Farstrider unit is regarded as the most heroic ace unit.

  The leader of this ace force is the ranger general of Quel'Thalas, Alleria Windrunner.

  She is the sister of Sylvanas, the strongest of the younger generation of the Windrunner family.

  Alleria has been guarding here all year round, hunting down forest trolls that enter Silvermoon Forest to cause destruction.

  Her sister's reckless behavior of not guarding Silvermoon City properly and bringing the Ranger troops over to clear the border made her feel very bad.

  Although taking the initiative can effectively suppress the forest trolls.

  But the rewards often come with risks.

  The strength of the troll race is not weak.

  Forest trolls are even more powerful and bloodthirsty berserkers!

  There are many high elves dead on the border, so there is no need to add more casualties.

  Therefore, she specially came to the Tower of Morning Star at noon, trying to persuade her sister to make her movements smaller and just go back to get some results.

  When she entered the gate of the mage tower, she was shocked by the three arcane puppets in the hall.

  It is not uncommon to see arcane golems whose entire bodies are protected by rock armor.

  The huge gun held by the arcane puppet shocked her heart.

  She had received several long-barreled muskets before.

  Although the sound when shooting is very harsh, the power cannot be underestimated.

  If a forest troll is shot, its body will be severely damaged.

  The powerful talent of regenerating severed limbs makes it difficult to regain combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

  If hit in the head, not even the Troll Witch Doctor can save them.

  Alleria couldn't imagine the sight of this kind of gun that was magnified many times and hit the troll.

  The forest troll's inferior armor would certainly not be able to stop bullets.

  It is estimated that they will be broken into pieces together with their armor!
  If Herard knew her understanding of machine guns, he would definitely feel that her sense is very reliable.

  The dwarf piloted an armed helicopter to hunt down the Frostmane Troll, and it was really a blast!
  Frostmane trolls were running on the ground, armed helicopters were calling names one by one in the air, and there were scattered pieces of flesh and blood everywhere on the ground.

  Those peace-loving gnomes often fail to take action, allowing the Frostmane Troll to survive.

  There is a wild high elf in his heart, but he will not show any mercy to the trolls.

  Alleria looked at the huge musket and felt the urge to kill them.

  When she looked at her sister Sylvanas, her eyes softened.

  If you have enough firepower, it will be no problem to actively attack the forest troll.

  Sylvanas was very excited when she saw her sister coming, but she didn't show it on her face. As a member of the Windrunner family, you must maintain a serious look in front of outsiders.

  The two smiled and greeted each other, and then began to discuss the eradication of the trolls.

  Herard is sharing his arcane puppet strengthening plan with the mages of the Tower of Morning Star.

  Seeing the two Windrunner sisters getting together, I suddenly felt a little chilly.

  The sisters are very similar in stature and appearance.

  Hair color is the easiest way to tell them apart.

  The older sister's hair is blonde, while the younger sister's hair is lighter blonde.

  Their personalities are exactly the same, they are both relatively strong.

  Fortunately, so far, there are no differences in goals between the two sides.

  Otherwise there will definitely be a civil war between the sisters.

  Finding that the meeting between the two sisters was going well, Herard continued to communicate with the mages about the plan to strengthen the arcane puppet.

  The three arcane puppets he brought over were not just equipped with a machine cannon.

  The first is of course to allow them to use this kind of machine gun.

  The aviation cannon has been improved to make it easier for arcane puppets to capture.

  But this kind of cannon uses electric shock and has a firing device with a button.

  It was impossible for Herard to equip them with a third hand specifically for pressing the launch button.

  He modified the arcane golem with a dedicated slot.

  There is a retractable slider inside the slot.

  As long as the cannon's launching device is inserted, the slider can press the button to fire the shells at any time.

  After gaining the ability to fire its own cannons, the Arcane Golem also needs to master shooting skills.

  Therefore, Herard wrote a shooting program for the Arcane Golem based on the rangers' experience in using muskets.

  The shooting procedure is a mechanical one.

  But when used on these puppets, the effect is quite good!

  Although they can't reach the accuracy of the Ranger, they can perform at 70% level without any problem.

  Hitting a fixed target guarantees a perfect hit.

  Targets moving at high speed can also be hit accurately if their speed is very uniform.

  A very flexible and unpredictable target, this one can only be killed with a large number of shells.

  The mysterious and mysterious predictions of the rangers cannot be learned by dead things like arcane puppets.

  But overall, Arcane Puppet is already a qualified shooter.

  Three rapid-fire shooters were born!
  Herard didn't like to hide it, so he generously shared this exclusive knowledge.

  Of course, mages need to pay for the cannon themselves.

  This thing is very troublesome to make, and the cost alone is more than a hundred gold coins.

  The price for external sales is more expensive, costing two hundred gold coins.

  When Herard ordered the machine cannon from Jindi, the little dwarf smiled with his molars exposed.

  Two hundred gold coins is not much for a mage, but it is not easy to take out.

  After the mages learned about the price of the cannon, they all expressed that they wanted to see the actual combat effect before making a decision.

  In order to observe the power of the cannon on the spot, the mages decided to bring arcane puppets with the army.

  These mages in the Tower of Morning Star have faced the baptism of war all year round.

  What weapons are most useful in war?

  Of course it is a powerful war machine like the Arcane Puppet.

  So each of them has two or three arcane golems.

  Nearly forty arcane puppets joined in, making the marching team even more powerful.

  Those forest trolls were frightened away when they saw the enemy, separated by a magical defensive barrier.

  Seeing those guys being so timid, Herard wondered how they persisted.

  The troops came to the area closest to Zul'Aman, opened a passage above the barrier and quickly passed through, staging a situation where troops were approaching the city.

  (End of chapter)

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