Chapter 19 The Forest Troll’s Ace Troop

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  Chapter 19:

  Zul’Aman, the ace force of the forest trolls, is the capital of the forest trolls, so naturally it is very selective in its location selection.

  It is built on high ground, with the rolling eastern mountains behind it.

  Once the situation cannot be maintained, residents in the city can take refuge in the mountains.

  The forest trolls built a large slope leading to the forest to the west in the direction facing Zul'Aman's city gate.

  There is a mountain road on the north side that leads to the high ground.

  However, the road was winding and narrow, making it difficult for large groups to pass quickly.

  If the high elves gather in the forest to the west, the top trolls in Zul'Aman will mobilize a large army to fight them.

  If you come from the north, it's basically harassment.

  Just gather the troops and defend on the narrow mountain road.

  For thousands of years, both sides have followed this practice.

  The high elves have powerful arcane golems, and the forest trolls have powerful Amani warbear troops.

  The Arcane Puppet is tall and mighty, and the Amani War Bear stands over four meters tall, not much shorter than the Arcane Puppet.

  Some particularly strong Amani War Bears are even as tall as Arcane Golems.

  Moreover, there are still a lot of Amani War Bears, and there is no problem in gathering hundreds of them in an emergency.

  Facing these powerful human shields with rough skin and thick flesh, the arcane puppets really can't take much advantage.

  There are mages on the high elves side, and troll witch doctors on the forest troll side.

  The voodoo magic of the troll witch doctor looks very primitive, but its essence is the powerful power of shadow.

  Azeroth's superior power system is divided into six types.

  Light (holy), void (shadow), life (nature), necromancy (death), order (arcane), chaos (fel).

  Shadow is also a superior power and is not weaker than Arcane.

  Moreover, when the high elf mage is outside the barrier, his strength will shrink a lot and his condition will not be very good.

  When the two spells collide, it is difficult to tell the winner.

  What really determines the direction of the war is the large number of long-range troops on both sides.

  The Forest Troll's ranged troops are a mess.

  Bows and arrows, throwing spears, and throwing axes are used together.

  The long-range troops on the high elves' side all use bows and arrows.

  In terms of equipment quality, the high elves are definitely stronger.

  However, the technology of enchanting weapons is not unique to high elves.

  Although they seem to be primitive and backward forest trolls, they also have ways to enchant weapons.

  Shadow energy gives the weapon some pretty good attack power!

  Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the two sides is not much different, and it is difficult to have a unilateral crushing.

  The forest trolls have long been accustomed to tug of war.

  In accordance with past battle practices, they stood guard on the mountain road and waited.

  Among the incoming high elf troops, the one they care about most is Windrunner.

  That hateful Windrunner always shoots arrows from a long distance and kills his own units accurately.

  Finding two Windrunners entering the battlefield, these forest trolls were not very panicked.

  Windrunners can attack from thousands of meters away, but ordinary troops don't have such a long range.

  They try to hide behind cover and wait for the high elves' regular troops to come into range.

  However, this time the ordinary troops had new tricks.

  There was still a distance of more than 500 meters between the two sides, and the high elves had stopped and looked over with strange things in their hands.

  The troll hunter who used the eagle eye technique was very confused when he saw the enemy's actions.

  That weird thing, they can only recognize the scope.

  Before they could figure out what this was doing, a row of dazzling firelights flashed across their field of vision.

  That was when the high elf rangers opened fire at the same time with a tacit understanding.

  The new rifle was fine, the silencer on the muzzle suppressed the flames.

  However, the most numerous items on the battlefield are old-fashioned long-barreled muskets.

  The unmasked gunfire scared the troll hunters to the ground. Although they were not hit by bullets, the immersive feeling brought by the eagle eye technique still scared them to death!
  Fire destroys regeneration and is the bane of all trolls.

  Therefore, no troll can face gunfire calmly.

  The dazzling gunfire just flashed, and many of the trolls who were squatting behind the bunker, but with half of their bodies exposed, fell down.

  Many trolls had their heads blown off.

  Those trolls who were hit in the chest by bullets were unable to regain their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

  The high elf ranger has only been practicing for half a month and has already mastered the musket.

  This kind of hot weapon is much more accurate than a crossbow, and combined with their own powerful shooting talent, they can almost hit the mark with every shot.

  Seeing the super high hit rate, Herard clapped excitedly.

  "It's so cool! This scene is really spectacular!"

  The two Windrunner sisters were also shocked.

  Although Alleria had previously tested the gun with captured trolls.

  But she could not imagine the scene of a large number of muskets being used in actual combat!

  After enduring a wave of extremely cruel blows, the morale of the troll defenders dropped seriously.

  They all lay down behind the bunkers to avoid bullets fired from a distance.

  Seeing that the blow had a good effect, the high elf mage commanded the arcane puppet to attack, and at the same time cast fireball to attack the bunker.

  The high elf rangers who used bows and arrows approached the mountain road and attacked the troll defenders with projectiles.

  The high elf warriors followed closely behind the arcane golem.

  Prepare to approach the position under the cover of these big guys.

  What should have been a tug of war turned into a battle of annihilation as hot weapons like muskets were put into the battlefield.

  Under the threat of powerful muskets, most trolls dare not show their heads.

  The troll warlord in charge of this battle looked at the arcane puppet that had walked up the mountain road and didn't know what to do for a while.

  It glanced at the Amani War Bear, which could compete head-on with the Arcane Puppet.

  After careful consideration, I still sent these impact-type war beasts up.

  The huge Amani war bear is covered in wooden armor enhanced by magic.

  Although the material of the armor is not good, it can still effectively block bullets after being strengthened by magic.

  Bullets that could penetrate thick steel plates penetrated into the wooden armor, but the Amani war bears showed no reaction.

  Apparently the bullets weren't enough to break through their defenses.

  Even when the mage's fireball hit the wooden armor, it only flashed and went out.

  Although the wooden armor was a bit charred, the damage caused was minimal.

  Obviously, these wooden armors with rough style and simple materials also have anti-magic shields.

  Anti-magic shield is a defensive magic that condenses shadow energy to form a powerful shield.

  It is not magic immune, but can absorb a large portion of magic damage.

  When used against mages, it is naturally quite easy to use!
  Possessing both physical and magical protection, these Amani War Bears become ace troops.

  Seeing them joining the battle, the troll defenders who were originally overwhelmed felt their morale boosted.

  However, when the troll defenders stood up excitedly and wanted to cooperate with the Amani War Bear, the fiery projectiles fired from a distance once again made them face reality.

  Rifle bullets travel faster than the speed of sound.

  Even the most agile troll thief cannot guarantee that he will be able to dodge bullets.

  The Amani War Bear can block bullets with its armor and thick hide.

  If the troll defenders dare to show up, they won't be able to save their heads.

  Those troll warriors wearing wooden helmets cannot be killed by a single shot.

  But with holes in their wooden helmets, they could no longer muster the courage to charge.

  If you stand up, you will definitely die. It is better to wait for the Amani War Bears to pass by and then fight with them.

  At this time, Herard, who was watching from the high ground, saw the end of the hundreds of Amani War Bears serving as the fire brigade, and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

  "Very good, we are waiting for you ace troops!"

  (End of this chapter)

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