Chapter 973 Searching for the truth

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  Chapter 973 Searching for the truth
  is illuminated by a lamp that is not too bright.

  Ronald followed Taylor's reminder and started searching for the target of his trip from the fifth bookshelf on the left side of the library.

  The books are neatly arranged and the names on the spines are clearly visible.

  Even those whose names were not originally written were thoughtfully marked by later generations.

  ""After the Age of Magic - The Lost Country", "Records of the Investigation into the Eastern Shore of Shen Riyang", "The Legacy of the Undersea City of Lamocris", "Records of the Fini Family's Tragedy"..." His eyes wandered from these

  books Crossed one by one.

  As Ronald read out the names of these books in a low voice, his emotions became more and more shocked.

  It’s not just the size of the stacks above the Capone Library that is impressive.

  Even this secret library hidden underground actually contains extremely ancient and precious texts!
  Although some of the contents in the book overlapped with records that Ronald had seen in the big city of Greed, most of them were completely unheard of knowledge.

  "This is too amazing..."

  His eyes left the fifth bookshelf, and Ronald couldn't help but look around again.

  This rather compact book maze has more to collect!
  This is true for just the bookshelf in front of me, so how exaggerated is the entire collection of books together?

  Gudong -

  Ronald couldn't help but swallow a greedy mouthful of saliva, and then began to confirm the arrangement of the books here.

  The collections in the underground library are actually arranged strictly in chronological order. On each bookshelf marking an era, some books of similar types will be arranged in the same column to easily distinguish them.

  However, if they encounter a manuscript consisting only of scattered pages, they will roll it up and put it into a protective cylinder, and then list it in the bottom box of the bookshelf for preservation.


  "How many secrets are hidden here?"

  Ronald couldn't help but sighed again.

  If he had the opportunity to come to Capone at the beginning of time travel and enter the underground library of the library to read materials, then many things may not be a problem at all, and he can get quite reliable answers by casually checking them!


  Just facing such a rich collection of books.

  Ronald hesitated for a few minutes, and finally sighed inevitably.

  If you want to study these books carefully, it will take more than a few days.

  Even if I have a strong desire for this in my heart. But thinking about the El who was now obeying his words...the living life compared with the priceless knowledge, he decided to deal with El's problem first.

  After all, this knowledge is knowledge and it will not escape.

  It would be better for me to take advantage of this precious opportunity and find out the situation of my companions first.

  Ronald then searched the bookshelves with purpose.

  On the bookshelf designated by Telewin, he quickly determined his target and found three books that recorded major events, epidemic diseases, and mysterious changes before the founding of the Aireni nation.

  If you want to determine the problem with El, you can definitely look for it in these three books!

  The first is "Shen Riyang's Notes on Events on the East Coast".

  The content records in this book seem to be neat and detailed, and there is even a directory with the names of detailed events marked one by one to facilitate future generations to find them.

  Ronald opened the pages and found what he wanted in the book in just two or three minutes.

  It was an epidemic called "The Boating Disaster".

  During the epidemic, the specific situation of the sick people was exactly the same as that of Il.

  And based on the content recorded subjectively by the author of this book.

  At that time, the first person infected by the plague was a fisherman who went to sea, hence the name. The epidemic finally disappeared two months after the disease spread.

  In the whole incident, besides fishermen going out to sea, there are actually some clues to the emergence of the epidemic.

  At the time when the epidemic began, an archmage named Almont actually died.

  This Almonte once played a very important role in the battle to end the Dark Age, and can be said to be the supreme leader of the nearby area.

  Therefore, although his death coincided perfectly with the beginning of the disease epidemic, in order to worry about the other party's identity and reputation, the local mysterious side basically did not record this detail.

  Only the author of this book, who believed that he wanted to create a book that was true and reliable and very important to future generations, boldly recorded this issue in the book.


  "No wonder, this book can only be seen here."

  It is obvious that local big shots and big organizations avoid talking about this kind of thing, but the author of this book decided to record it. . One can imagine what attitude people at that time would have towards such records.

  Ronald's expression was somewhat emotional.

  Afterwards, he memorized the contents of this book, carefully put the book back to its original position, and then began to look at the second book that recorded the surrounding diseases - "Summary of Diseases on the East Coast".

  Compared with the well-protected "Notes of Shen Riyang's East Coast Events".

  This book, which records many diseases and plagues, was obviously used normally for a long time before being put into the library for protection, so the state of preservation of the book is much worse.

  Turning through the pages of the book more carefully, Ronald followed the timeline in the record and found the record of the time called "The Boating Disaster".

  This time, Ronald directly gained a very big gain.

  The book seems to have recorded the investigation status of the disease and some detailed information.

  The editor recorded it very clearly -

  according to the investigation by the mysterious person responsible for such events at the time, no pathogen was found in the sudden spread of the disease. Even the practitioners of the school [Haistone] who specialize in this technique, that is, the school of the current director of Capone Hospital, came out and found no clues.

  In other words, this disease is not a common epidemic problem.

  After receiving this result, the person responsible for the mysterious incident at the time began a follow-up investigation. It's a pity that some progress has been made. The epidemic disappeared without a trace just like it came. Therefore, the investigation of the mysterious side was also terminated under the influence of reality.

  The last one who was responsible for investigating the plague.

  He can only speculate and leave some unreliable ideas in his report - what

  he thinks is the real cause of the epidemic.

  In fact, it is closely related to the dead archmage Almont!

  As the most powerful mage on this coast at that time, that gentleman mastered three original scriptures. And with the death of the other party, the surrounding magical environment even plummeted.

  The investigator suspected that the plague was caused by the inability of some people who already had magic power in their bodies to adapt to the sudden changes in the environment.

  As for the reason why the plague disappeared so quickly.

  That's because after two months, even people with the weakest constitution have naturally adapted to the current magical environment.

  At the same time, the intense changes have also disappeared from this land.

  Then the epidemic will naturally end at the same time and disappear without a trace in the world!
  (End of chapter)

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