Chapter 974 Turning point

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  Chapter 974: Turning point
  "This, isn't quite right..."

  Although the book records it in great detail.

  But Ronald was not satisfied with the result and even frowned tightly.

  To be fair, the content recorded in this book is very detailed, and even gives people the feeling of personally participating in the events that happened that year.

  But this last inference is different from the information Ronald obtained from El by using [Original Sin of Greed] before.

  Ronald is not an amnesiac.

  Only one day had passed, and he remembered very clearly that El's symptoms should be [magic infection].

  Even though the two words [magic power] are suitable, the word [infection] that follows should not be a word that appears when the magic power fluctuates violently.


  Events that originally seemed to have become clear have once again added doubts.

  Faced with the discrepant results in front of him, Ronald could only write down the contents, then change to the next piece of information and continue reading.

  The last book that records the changes in mysterious things is different.

  In other words, it cannot be called a book at all.

  This is a large number of incident investigation records, rolled into a bundle and placed in a cylinder. Ronald took it out and untied the rope on it, then sorted out the slightly messy pages, and then began to flip through the messy but very detailed content one by one.

  It didn't take long for Ronald to sort out the tables about the epidemic. There were three papers that were related to each other.

  Next, read them in the order they were turned out.

  These tables, designed to record the changes in mysterious things, really provided Ronald with a new way of thinking!

  The first is a record about a maritime city.

  A maritime city [Larchmont] was built in the Age of Magic, that is, the Dark Age. It was a very famous gathering place for magicians at the time, and there were many powerful people among it.

  Even the previous Archmage Almonte was a spellcaster born here.

  However, a long time ago, when the people of that city were studying the relationship between the nature of language and the nature of magic, a new type of disease began to spread among the people.

  And the symptoms at that time were almost exactly the same as those of the epidemic near this coast!
  The second picture is a follow-up to that city.

  Not long after the war that ended the Dark Age, [Larchmont] suddenly disappeared at sea. According to the exploration of a limited number of casters, the city cannot be found within the detectable range of the sea near the area. [Larchmont], the island on which it is located, and even the seabed under the water are all covered by a mysterious force. The power is wiped out of thin air!
  The third picture is about the record of this epidemic.

  Because they both belong to the eastern region of Shen Riyang, the secret investigators who recorded the disappearance of that city felt that there was some connection between the two. It may even be related to the original text studied by [Larchmont] at that time.


  as the last piece of useful information is read.

  Ronald arranged the pages in his hands back to their original shape, then tied them up with a rope and stuffed them back into the cylinder.

  "In that seems that the situation is not that bad."


  Ronald sat at the table, stretched out, and his expression finally relaxed a little at this moment.

  Through the information in front of him, he already had a thorough understanding of this epidemic. Although I dare not say that I completely know the root cause, I have my own opinion on the truth.

  As for what really made him relax, it was the confirmation of El's condition.

  According to all written records, if people who had similar problems in history did not die immediately, they would continue to live like normal people afterwards without causing any sequelae or trouble.

  For Ronald - that was enough.

  Even if the epidemic is related to the once great magic city, or a certain violent original book.

  But Ronald didn't care much for that stuff.

  Because the purpose of this trip is to ensure that the Yi people are fine!

  Pa pa—

  Clapping his hands relaxedly, Ronald looked at the bookshelf in front of him with a smile.

  Now that El's problem has been solved. it my turn to enjoy it?

  Although there is only the last day before the fleet leaves this port city, as long as he seizes the opportunity, Ronald can still satisfy his curiosity with new knowledge here.

  That’s right, Ronald couldn’t help it!

  As a book lover, after the matter was settled and there was nothing else to do in the city, he had no reason to suppress his desires.

  I have a plan in mind.

  Ronald immediately got up and came to the door of the underground library.

  He knocked lightly on the door, and after attracting Taylor's eyes, he showed an apologetic smile:

  "Mr. Taylor, I plan to continue reading here for a while. If someone comes to see me later, it won't be too important." If that's the case, please help me push it away."

  "Huh?" After hearing this, Taylor's expression at the door was immediately confused.

  ——This is a situation he has never encountered before.

  Relying on his own life experience and based on the expression on Ronald's face, he understood that this young man should have found the required content in the library and confirmed the situation.

  In this case, why does the other party continue to stay in the library?

  It can’t really be just for reading here!
  Thinking of this, Taylor Wenkai couldn't help but ask:
  "Mr. Ronald, are you still troubled by anything?"

  Facing Taylor Wenkai's inquiry, Ronald felt guilty. But thinking of the rich collection of books behind him, he still forced a smile:
  "Actually, it's not a big problem."

  "It's just a few problems I encountered a long time ago. I can get the answers, so I want to read for a while." "

  Mr. Taylorvin, I don't plan to take the book out. It shouldn't be a problem to take up some time, right?" "


  Taylorvin was directly dismissed. Nader was stunned by what he said.

  He didn't expect such a powerful holder of the original code to be so shameless as to say such a thing!

  But think of the opponent's strength.

  Televin, who had planned to have a good relationship with Ronald, naturally nodded in agreement:

  "Of course this is not a problem."

  "Then Mr. Ronald, I wish you can find the knowledge you want to gain here."


  Next Ronald returns to the library and continues reading.

  It's a pity that his happy reading time did not last forever.

  Just two hours later, his serious reading came to an abrupt halt under the influence of unexpected events.

  Because just above the library, there was a very strong magic wave!

  Snap -

  Ronald, who was sitting in the underground library, immediately closed the book in his hand and walked outside.

  Here he shamelessly reads other people's books.

  Now that there is something going on in the library, out of reason, Ronald also plans to help deal with it.

  (End of chapter)

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